How Lateral Thinking Evolves an Organization’s Mindset?

April 20, 2021 By

“If you haven’t heard of Edward de Bono or of Lateral Thinking, perhaps you have been too busy thinking in conventional ways.’’ Forbes Magazine Review

Alternative Approach, Better Results

Before we understand the positive effects of lateral thinking, let us first comprehend the term.

The term ‘Lateral Thinking’ was first coined by renowned psychologist Dr. Edward de Bono. In simple words, lateral thinking involves thinking horizontally i.e. looking at a challenge from different, creative points of view. This is in marked contrast to the vertical thinking i.e. logical way of looking at things. Lateral thinking is concerned with the perception part of thinking.

Lateral Thinking: Instead of walking through the maze, you can walk around it

Human brains are designed to occasionally be creative – up to the point they figure out how a certain mechanism works. After that, our subconscious mind tends to “automate” i.e. respond to the mechanism in the way we have figured it out. Through this, the brain can consciously act on other issues. Conservation of energy perhaps. Or intellectual laziness! We are so used to our daily routine that we fail to observe the personal or professional challenges around us. So much so, we tend to live our lives by adjusting with these challenges.

Let me explain this with a help of an example:

Before the invention of windscreen wipers, it was difficult to get rid of dust or snow collected on the windscreen. Imagine driving across a forest on a snowy night! Snow would eventually accumulate on the windscreen and it would be risky to continue without wiping it off. Back then, getting out of the vehicle and wiping off the snow manually was the only option, although a very inconvenient one. Sadly, car drivers and passengers slogged on this way for years until Mary Anderson’s lateral thinking got us the first windscreen wipers in 1903. From then on, people started modifying the wiper design for ease and convenience. The burden of getting out of the car to clean the windshield was “wiped” off – literally!

An effective way to break the vertical thinking habit is to first observe, and then ask the right questions which would help find solutions. Assuming things is another mistake we humans tend to make. Mistake because these assumptions are not always true. In fact, such assumptions make us lose focus on the important factors affecting the problem and, therefore, the final solution is not always effective.

Lateral Thinking in Real Life

Now that we have learnt about errors that prevent effective problem solving, let us understand the use of lateral thinking with some examples:

Earn more money? Or, have more money? – The goal is to have more money

Consider image 2. With just twenty-four hours in a day, there is a limit to which you can stretch out yourself – when following the alternatives under vertical thinking. The options that lateral thinking presents are more practical. And yes, they work!

Similarly, in the field of injection moulding, we can use the following techniques to resolve problems:

How to produce more parts?

As you can see, lateral thinking is applicable to multiple situations and can help create a new outlook in providing solutions. Listed below are the Seven Techniques of Lateral Thinking by Dr. Edward de Bono that enable us take better decisions and find innovative solutions to problems:

Alternate: Alternatives to deal with the same challenge.

Focus: Teach your mind to think with greater clarity

Challenge: Look at the challenge non-conventionally

Random Entry: Accept alternative ideas.

Provocation: Benefit from a challenge.

Harvesting: Select the most viable of new concepts

Idea Treatment: Customize ideas to diverse situations.

With over 10+ years of exhaustive plus intensive experience, Efficient Innovations has refined its lateral thinking to a level that clients over the world are not just satisfied, but positively jubilant to work with us.

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